Economics of Family
Love, Money and Parental Goods: Does Parental Matchmaking Matter? , joint with Fali Huang and Lixin Xu , Journal of Comparative Economics May 2017, 45(2): 224-245, in Special section: Symposium on Gary Becker and Family Economics.
Wall Street Journal Blog (2015-02-11), World Bank Blog (2015-2-13) (2015-2-16) (2016-9-8)
Love and Money by Parental Matchmaking: Evidence from Urban Couples in China, with Fali Huang and Lixin Xu , American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings May 2012, 555-560.
Games Parents and Adolescents Play: Risky Behaviors, Parental Reputation and Strategic Transfers, with V. Joseph Hotz and Lingxin Hao, The Economic Journal. (April 2008 leading article): Vol 118 Issue 528: 515-555.