E-commerce | Air Pollution | Health Care | Migration | Economics of Family
Working papers:
Haste or Waste? The Role of Presale in Residential Housing, with Ziyang Chen, Maggie Hu and Qiyao Zhou, January 2024, NBER working paper #32013.
Top-up design and Health Care Expenditure: Evidence from Cardiac Stents, Nov. 2023, with Hsienming Lien and Xuezhen Tao, NBER working paper #28107.
More Trusting, Less Trust? An Investigation of Early E-commerce in China, Jul. 2014, with Hongbin Cai, Li-an Zhou and Chong Liu, NBER working paper #18961.
Peer Migration in China, December 2023, with Yuyu Chen and Yang Yue, NBER working paper #15671, forthcoming Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.
Market Expanding or Market Stealing? Competition with Network Effects in Bike-Sharing, May 2021, with Guangyu Cao, Xi Weng and Li-an Zhou, NBER working paper #24938, RAND Journal of Economics, Winter 2021, 52(4): 778-814.
The Effects of Government Licensing on E-commerce: Evidence from Alibaba, Oct. 2020, with Zhentong Lu, Xiaolu Zhou and Chunxiao Li, NBER working paper #27884, accepted by the Journal of Law and Economics, special issue in memory of Harold Demsetz.
Mobile Messaging for Offline Group Formation in Prosocial Activities: A Large Field Experiment, with Tianshu Sun and Guodong (Gordon) Gao, Management Science, June 2019, vol 65(6).
Best Paper (First Place), Conference on Information Systems and Economics (CIST) 2015.
Solving Shortage in a Priceless Market: Insights from Blood Donation, with Tianshu Sun and Susan Feng Lu. Journal of Health Economics, July 2016, 48: 149-165.
Coverage on Market Design Blog
Love, Money and Parental Goods: Does Parental Matchmaking Matter? , joint with Fali Huang and Lixin Xu , Journal of Comparative Economics May 2017, 45(2): 224-245, in Special section: Symposium on Gary Becker and Family Economics.
Wall Street Journal Blog (2015-02-11), World Bank Blog (2015-2-13) (2015-2-16) (2016-9-8)
Seller Reputation: From Word-of-Mouth to Centralized Feedback, with Hongbin Cai, Li-an Zhou and Chong Liu, International Journal of Industrial Organization, May 2014, volume 34, page 51-65.
Does Health Insurance Coverage Lead to Better Health and Educational Outcomes? Evidence from Rural China , with Yuyu Chen, Journal of Health Economics, January 2012, 1-14.
The Promise of Beijing: Evaluating the Impact of the 2008 Olympic Games on Air Quality, with Yuyu Chen, Naresh Kumar , and Guang Shi, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 66 (2013): 424-443.
Comment from
Gaming in Air Pollution Data? Lessons from China, with Yuyu Chen, Naresh Kumar, and Guang Shi, the B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Advances tier, Volume 13, Issue 3, 2012.
Love and Money by Parental Matchmaking: Evidence from Urban Couples in China, with Fali Huang and Lixin Xu , American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings May 2012, 555-560.